ABM College is committed to ensure that all of our Students receive proper education, and that begins by ensuring accountability for attendance. All ABM Students are responsible for their education, and as such are expected to adhere to the following attendance policy – this includes any practicum placements that are a part of the curriculum. For quizzes, assignments, exams, and other grading components, the Student is required to fulfill all module components in order to progress within the program.
In order to confirm mandatory student attendance and adhere to governmental regulations, Instructors maintain an Attendance Register. Individual student attendance is verified at the beginning, middle, and end of the class. While full attendance is expected for every class, the College understands that unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances may arise. Whenever possible, the College will attempt to accommodate valid / excused absences.
ABM College considers a student as withdrawn under any of the following circumstances:
- A student has missed five (5) consecutive class days without contacting ABM College, before or during the absence, to provide a reasonable excuse.
- A student with a reasonable excuse is absent more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days. A reasonable excuse is a medical, family emergency, etc., that is communicated to college and is approved, before the absent days.
- A student has over 50% absences in the program.
Students are expected to complete assignments in the time allowed by instructors. Assignments are to be completed individually. There is a zero tolerance at ABM College regarding plagiarism/academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty or plagiarism will result in a zero result in the assignment or exam and may include suspension or termination from the program.
Student Expulsion Policy
ABM College has a zero tolerance policy regarding academic dishonesty, the non-payment of tuition fees, harassment and /or discrimination of any form.
Academic Dishonesty
Cheating, plagiarism, unapproved collaboration, alteration of records, bribery, falsification of information, use of aids that have not been expressly permitted by instructors, theft or solicitation of another student’s assignments, paperwork, tests, or personal belongings, and intentionally attempting to assist another student to commit any act of academic dishonesty.
Outstanding Fees
Failure to pay tuition or other fees due to the College is considered a debt to the college. Students may be expelled if fees are not paid after the College has provided written warning.
Harassment or Discrimination
Harassment and discrimination is a serious offense, there is a zero tolerance policy at ABM College. Students are required to be respectful to their peers/instructors/office staff. Students participating in harassment or discriminatory activities are subject to suspension under pending investigation. Expulsion will be automatic for any student who will be deemed, after the result of the investigation, to have engaged in harassment or discriminatory activities.
Significant Omissions in Admissions Documentation
Students who knowingly misrepresent their personal information on their application forms are subject to immediate expulsion.
Academic Failure
Re-test are available for some courses. Please refer to your course syllabus regarding academic failure and re-write requirements. Programs offering re-test will only award the passing mark (75%) on the final transcript regardless of mark attained on the exam.
Practicum Placement
A student who does not qualify in the classroom will not be sent out for Practicum in the designated program until all theory, lab, and exam requirements have been met.
Misuse of College Property
Students who damage, misuse, steal or otherwise use the property in a manner prohibited by common sense may be expelled and will be required to make restitution to the College.
1. Policy Application
The Policy applies to all students of the ABM College. ABM College will appropriately accommodate the needs of students who are affected by sexual violence and sexual harassment, by providing support and services such as schedule and class modifications and providing references for community based support. ABM College Campus Administrator will be in contact with the affected student to ensure that such accommodations or supports and services are obtained and if additional support is needed to assist students with such. Students affected by sexual violence will also have supports and services available from the community. Please refer to page 9 of the Student Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment policy.
2. The Scope
The Policy applies to complaints of sexual violence or sexual harassment that have occurred on ABM College campus or at an ABM College event and involve students of the career college community as defined in paragraph one, the Policy Application.
3. Purpose and Intent
All students of the ABM College community have a right to study in an environment free of sexual violence and sexual harassment. This document sets out our policy on sexual violence and sexual harassment, defines the prohibited behaviours, and outlines our investigative processes for sexual violence and sexual harassment.
4. Policy Objectives
ABM College is committed to providing students of our career college, an educational environment free from sexual violence and sexual harassment and treating those individuals who report incidents of sexual violence or sexual harassment with dignity and respect.
ABM College will educate and train faculty, staff and students about this Policy and how to identify situations that involve, or could progress into sexual violence or sexual harassment and how to reduce these forms of prohibited behaviours.
Where a complaint has been made, under this Policy, of sexual violence or sexual harassment ABM College will take all reasonable steps to investigate it, including as follows:
- (a) responding promptly to any complaint and providing reasonable updates to the complainant and the respondent about the status of the investigation;
- (b) assisting those who have experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment in obtaining counselling and medical care;
- (c) providing those who have experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment with appropriate academic and other accommodation;
- (d) providing those who have experienced sexual violence or sexual harassment with information about reporting options;
- (e) providing on-campus investigation procedures for sexual violence and sexual harassment complaints.
5. Definition of Sexual Misconduct
Sexual Violence, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes:
- (a) sexual assault which is any type of an unwanted sex act done by one person to another, without that person’s consent, that violates the sexual integrity of an individual ranging from unwanted touching to penetration;
- (b) criminal harassment (including stalking and cyber bullying).
Sexual Harassment, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes:
- (a) Any course of vexatious comment or conduct of a sexual nature that is known or ought reasonably to have been known to be unwelcome, including:
- (b) offensive jokes or comments of a sexual nature;
- (c) displaying of pornographic or sexist pictures or materials, including online;
- (d) suggestive or offensive remarks;
- (e) unwelcome language related to gender;
- (f) remarks, jokes, innuendoes, propositions, or taunting about a person’s body, attire, sex or sexual orientation;
- (g) leering or inappropriate staring;
- (h) bragging about sexual prowess;
- (i) physical contact such as touching, patting, or pinching, with an underlying sexual connotation;
6. Reporting and Responding to Sexual Violence
A student must report to the Campus Administrator in order to file a complaint on sexual violence.
All members of our career college community will take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual violence on our career college campus or events and report immediately to the ABM College if they are subject to, witness or have knowledge of sexual violence, or have reason to believe that sexual violence has occurred or may occur.
To a possible extent, ABM College will attempt to keep all information disclosed confidential except in those circumstances it believes an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm, or of harming another, or there are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the our career community are at risk.
ABM College recognizes the right of the Complainant to determine whether their complaint will be dealt with by the police and/or ABM College. However, in certain circumstances, ABMCollege may be required by law or its internal policies to initiate an internal investigation and/or inform police without the complainant’s consent, if it believes the safety of members of its career college community is at risk.
If students, in good faith, report an incident of, or make a complaint about, sexual violence, they will not be subject to discipline or sanctions for violations of the career college’s policies relating to drug or alcohol use at the time the alleged sexual violence occurred.
Students are not required to report an incident of, or make a complaint about, sexual violence under the process to obtain (as stated in section 1), such supports and services or accommodation.
Students also have a right to refuse an official investigation upon complaint or to participate in any investigation conducted by ABM College that might occur.
Students who disclose their experience of sexual violence through reporting an incident of, making a complaint about, or accessing supports and services for sexual violence, will not be asked irrelevant questions during the investigation process by the private career college’s staff or investigators, including irrelevant questions relating to the student’s sexual expression or past sexual history.
The complaint and any official investigations held by the College will be conducted by the campus administrator and student service department at every stage of the process of investigation.
7. Investigating Reports of Sexual Violence
A complaint of sexual violence may be filed under this Policy, by any student of our career college community, to the ABM College in writing.
Upon a complaint of alleged sexual violence being made the ABM College will initiate an investigation, including as follows:
- (a) determining whether the incident should be referred immediately to police;
- (b) meeting with the complainant to determine the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and complete description of what occurred;
- (c) interviewing the complainant, any person involved in the incident and any identified witnesses;
- (d) interviewing any other person who may have knowledge of incidents related to the complaint or any other similar incidents;
- (e) informing the respondent of the complaint, providing details of the allegations and giving the respondent an opportunity to respond to those allegations;
- (f) providing reasonable updates to the complainant and the respondent about the status of the investigation;
- (g) determining what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken.
A party to an investigation or decision-making process has the right to have a person present with them at every stage of the process.
Procedural Fairness
ABM will ensure procedural fairness is ensued at every step in the investigation to the decision-making process for all parties involved before and after a decision or responding to an appeal made. This includes the right of notice, the right to be judged by an impartial decision maker and the right to a decision and the rationale behind the decision made.
8. Reporting Sexual Harassment
All members of our career college community will take all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment on our career college campus or events and report immediately to the ABM College if they are subject to, witness or have knowledge of sexual harassment, or have reason to believe that sexual harassment has occurred or may occur.
To a possible extent, ABM College will attempt to keep all information disclosed confidential, except in those circumstances it believes an individual is at imminent risk of self-harm, or of harming another, or there are reasonable grounds to believe that others in our career community are at risk.
If the complainant decides not to lay a formal complaint, ABM College may in certain circumstances, be required by law or its internal policies to initiate an internal investigation if it believes the safety of members of its career college community is at risk.
9. Investigating Reports of Sexual Harassment
If a student of our career college community believes they have been sexually harassed by member of our career college community, they may confront the harasser personally or inwriting pointing out the unwelcome behaviour and requesting that it stop;
Report the complaint to ABM College in writing.
Upon receiving a complaint of alleged sexual harassment being made to any of ABM College Designates, ABM College designates will initiate an investigation, including as follows:
- (a) meeting with the complainant to determine the date and time of the incident, the persons involved, the names of any person who witnessed the incident and a complete description of what occurred;
- (b) interviewing the complainant, any person involved in the incident and any identified witnesses;
- (c) interviewing any other person who may have knowledge of incidents related to the complaint or any other similar incidents;
- (d) informing the respondent of the complaint, providing details of the allegations and giving the individual an opportunity to respond to those allegations;
- (e) providing reasonable updates to the complainant and the respondent about the status of the investigation;
- (f) determining what disciplinary action, if any, should be taken.
Campus Administrator – ABM College of Health and Technology, 555 Ellesmere Rd, Scarborough, ON, M1R 4E8
Email: [email protected]
10. Disciplinary Measures
If it is determined by ABM College that a student of our career college community has been involved in sexual violence or sexual harassment of a fellow student or member of our career college community, immediate disciplinary or corrective action will be taken up to and including suspension and/or expulsion of a student and or placement of restriction on the respondent's ability certain premises or facilities.
In cases where criminal proceedings are initiated, ABM College will assist police agencies, lawyers, insurance companies, and courts to the fullest extent.
Where criminal and/or civil proceedings are commenced in respect of allegations of sexual violence or sexual harassment, ABM College may conduct its own independent investigation and make its own determination in accordance with its own policies and procedures.
ABM College will take measures in place to ensure individuals involved in the investigation or complaint and their personal information is kept confidential and protected.
Interim Measures
ABM College many impose interim measures while an investigation is underway. These measures are not disciplinary but precautionary and will be assessed on a weekly basis while a decision is impending. All parties will be immediately be notified of any changes made to these measures.
Should the Complainants and/or Respondents, not agree with the decision resulting from the investigation process they will be able to make an appeal within 14 business days to the Campus Administrator by submitting a letter. The Campus Administrator will have the right to deny or grant the appeal based on the grounds of appeal. In a case if an appeal is granted, the Complainant and/or Respondent must provide evidence and information to support their reasons of unfair or biased manner of investigation and decision making.
Making False Statements
It is a violation of this Policy for anyone to knowingly make a false complaint of sexual violence or sexual harassment or to provide false information about a complaint. Individuals who violate this Policy are subject to disciplinary and / or corrective action, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion.
11. Review
ABM College of Health and Technology shall ensure that student input is considered in the development of its Sexual Violence Policy and every time it is reviewed or amended.
ABM College of Health and Technology shall review its Sexual Violence Policy every 3 years after it is first implemented and amend it where appropriate. The next date for review date is December 1, 2026.
12. Collection of Student Data
ABM College of Health and Technology shall collect and be prepared to provide upon request by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges such data and information as required according to Subsections 32.1 (8), (9), (10) and (11) of Schedule 5 of the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 as amended.
13. Reprisal
It is a violation of this Policy to retaliate or threaten to retaliate against a complainant, acting in good faith, which has brought forward a complaint of sexual violence or sexual harassment, provided information related to a complaint, or otherwise been involved in the complaint investigation process. I,________________________________ have read and I fully understand the above policy and I acknowledge that I am aware that failure to abide by the policy and/or if I am found guilty of being involved in sexual violence or sexual harassment of another student or member of ABM College community, I will face disciplinary or corrective action which may include suspension and/ or expulsion.
Signature of Student _______________________
Signed on _________________________
Witness ______________________________
Canadian Association of Sexual Assault Centres
Assaulted Women’s Helpline (Ontario, Provincial, English)
- Toll Free: 1-866-863-0511
- #SAFE (#7233) on Bell, Rogers, Fido or Telus mobile
- TTY: 416-364-8762
Fem’aide (Ontario, Provincial, Français)
- Telephone toll-free: 1-877-336-2433
- ATS: 1 866 860-7082
Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centres
35 hospital-based centres that provide 24/7 emergency care to women. To locate the Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Treatment Centre nearest you, follow this link.
Peel Region
Hope 24/7 (formerly the Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Centre of Peel)
- Crisis:1-800-810-0180
- Office: (905) 792-0821
Women’s Support Network of York Region
- Crisis: 1-800-263-6734 or 905-895-6734
- Office: (905) 895-3646
Sexual Assault & Violence Intervention Services of Halton
- Crisis: 905-875-1555 or 1-877-268-8416
- Office: 905-825-3622
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre
Multicultural Women Against Rape
- Crisis: 416-597-8808
- Office: 416-597-1171
- [email protected]
- [email protected]
ABM College is bound by federal laws to protect the privacy of the students. The College respects the right to privacy of its students and is committed to safeguarding the personal information of each student and graduate. ABM College will not disclose a student’s personal information without a prior written consent of the student.
At ABM College we protect the personal information collected from students, graduates, staff and other business partners. This includes the training of employees and the establishment of control systems for responsible use of personal information that is accessible to College employees while performing work-related duties. The College directs its employees to exercise caution when disclosing personal information to others. Access to personal information is limited to the following:
- An individual accessing his or her own personal information
- An employee of the College with authorized access based on a legitimate academic or business need
- Any organization or person authorized by the individual to receive the information
- Authorized Legal Agent/Government Body/Representative under the circumstance where the College complies with the release of personal information,
- Individuals or entity as permitted by law where deemed to be necessary for reasonable conduct of College business
The student consents to the College collection and use of his/her personal images by photography or video recording for use on the ABM College website, in newsletters, publications and marketing purposes.
If the student chooses to refrain from using their own images, he/she must provide the college with a written statement to the college claiming that they do not want their personal images to be used on the website, in newsletters, publications or for any other marketing purposes. With this choice, the college shall avoid using the student’s images.
If the student consents to the college use of their opinions (testimonials), images or recordings, ABM College shall ensure that the purpose of such materials is only for marketing purposes. Any misuse of such opinions (testimonials), images or recordings by other parties does not make ABM College liable.
By signing below, the student agrees or opts-in to receive emails, text messages, faxes, and phone calls from ABM College for the duration of their program, and after completion of their program for communication related to ABM College alumni, and employment follow up with respect to their specific training at ABM College.
The purpose of these forms of communications is for educational purposes only, such as maintaining student databases, complying with government regulations with respect to maintaining statistics, and invitations to future college events (e.g. alumni guest speakers).
Student Contact Information
A student is required to update the college in the event of a change in his/her contact information, including a change in address, email, and/or phone number.
A student who fails to comply with attendance requirements, or is absent without authorized approval may be subject to disciplinary action. For the purpose of Alberta student funding, ABM College must consider a funded student as withdrawn under the following circumstances:
- When a student has missed five (5) consecutive class days without contacting the college, before or during the absence, to provide a reasonable excuse. The effective date of the student’s withdrawal is the first of the five days that the student was absent.
- When a student with a reasonable excuse (medical, family issue, etc.) is absent for more than thirty (30) consecutive calendar days, the effective date of the withdrawal is the first day during this period that the student was absent.
- When a student has over 50% absences. In this case the effective date of student’s withdrawal is the last day that the student was in attendance.
ABM College of Health and Technology is committed to taking all reasonable steps to ensure students have the opportunity to successfully complete their studies. The College upholds a professional environment with all students and staff treated fairly and equally. Students who do not adhere the academic and ethical conducts of the College may be suspended or expelled for inadequate performance and unacceptable actions.
The College will attempt to resolve situations amicably. However, ABM College of Health and Technology will not tolerate actions that risk the integrity, safety, or well-being of students, staff, visitors, or guests of the College. Verbal and written warnings will be issued when deemed necessary. Further actions including suspension and expulsion, will be applied at the College’s discretion.
The following outlines the conditions under which a student may be expelled.
1. Academic Dishonesty - Students may be subject to immediate expulsion for academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty is any word, action, or deed performed alone, or with others for the direct or indirect intention of providing an unfair advantage or benefit to self or other student(s), including but not limited to:
- a) Cheating
- b) Plagiarism
- c) Unapproved collaboration
- d) Students unable to attend for (5) or more consecutive days while maintaining contact, providing valid reason(s), and supporting documentation must speak with a school designee in order to resume their studies.
- e) Alteration of records
- f) Bribery
- g) Lying
- h) Misrepresentations
- i) Use of aids which have not been expressly permitted
- j) Theft or solicitation of another student’s assignments or papers
- k) Theft of un administered tests or other academic work and/or material
- l) Intentionally helping or attempting to help another student to commit any act of academic dishonesty
2. Misconduct - The College expects mature and professional behavior from the students enrolled in all modes of delivery (i.e. in person and online).Students who are involved in malicious actions towards the staff members, students or property, and in any action that is disruptive, unethical, unlawful or contrary to the best interest of the College. The following acts of misconduct will not be tolerated:
- A) Acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to:
- a. Giving false information to any official, Instructor, or staff member
- b. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of any College document, record, or instrument of identification
- c. Computer piracies: copying software, copyright infringement, and unauthorized computer entry
- B) Disruption of teaching, administration, disciplinary proceedings, and other College activities.
- C) Physical abuse, verbal abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, including but not limited to, sexual harassment, coercion and/or other conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person.
- D) Attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property of the College, a staff member, other students, or public property.
- E) Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys to any College premises; unauthorized entry to or use of College property.
- F) Use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances (e.g. drugs and alcohol),except as permitted by law.
- G) Illegal or unauthorized possession of any weapon(s) on College premises or College-sponsored activities.
- H) Conduct which is disorderly, lewd, or indecent; breach of peace; or aiding, abetting, encouraging, or inducing another person to violate the Student Code of Conduct.
- I) The use of profane language, rowdiness, fighting, or other disturbances on College property or at College- sponsored activities.
3. Significant Omissions or Errors in Admissions Documentation - Students who knowingly or in error misrepresent their applications are subject to immediate expulsion.
4. Academic Failure - Students who fail to achieve the required academic standing in their programs may be expelled from the program. The College may at its discretion offer alternatives to a student depending on their program of study.
5. Attendance - Regular attendance is taken for each student. Absenteeism and lateness will be recorded on the attendance sheet and forwarded to the administration office. Students are required to inform the school prior to or during their absence.
- a) Students who are absent for five (5) consecutive days without contact and valid excuse will be dismissed.
- (b) any violence, physical or psychological, carried out through sexual means or by targeting sexuality, including sexual abuse;
- c) If a student informs the College that their absence will be for more than 28 consecutive days, they will be required to withdraw from the program.
6. Harassment or Discrimination - Students participating in harassing or discriminatory activities are subject to suspension pending investigation. Expulsion is mandatory for any student who is deemed by the investigation to have engaged in harassing or discriminatory activities.
7. Misuse of College Property - Students who damage, misuse, steal or otherwise use the property in a way that is prohibited may be expelled and will be required to make restitution.
8. Endangerment of Staff or Students - Students who by action or neglect in any way endanger the safety of themselves or others may be expelled.
Students who are expelled for any reason will be notified inwriting. The College is not responsible for non-delivery by mail if the student has not provided valid contact information. The notification will contain a description of the basis for expulsion and the effective date.
(j) sexual solicitation or advance made by a person in a position to confer, grant or deny a benefit or advancement to the person where the person making the solicitation or advance knows or ought reasonably to know that it is unwelcome.
Appeal Procedure
Expelled students who dispute the facts of the expulsion must appeal the decision inwriting within five days of the notification. Students must provide sufficient proof to support the dispute. A decision will be made within five business days of receipt of the appeal paper work and the student will be notified accordingly. Students who file an appeal and are unsuccessful are considered withdrawn from the College.
A student who is expelled by the College will be considered withdrawn from their program on the effective date of the expulsion. The College will officially withdraw the student and the student’s account will be resolved as per the refund policy outlined in the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 and its regulations.
ABM College is committed to providing quality education to all students. In the event of a complaint from a student, the college will do its best to understand the complaint and will work to resolve the issue in a timely manner.
Lodging a complaint will have no adverse consequences on the status of the complainant in their course or program of study.
- From the D2L account main page, select ‘Complaint Form’ located in the top part of the screen. Alternatively, you can type the following into any internet browser to access the online form: Although the online form is recommended, students may also email [email protected].
- The Student Complaint Officer receives your complaint and will contact you to acknowledge receipt within one (1) business day.
- Upon reading your complaint, the Student Complaint Officer will work to fix the problem and depending on the severity, may involve member(s) of ABM College staff and management.
- Within ten (10) business days, the Student Complaint Officer will resolve the issue and notify you.
- The Student Complaint Officer will email you and will ask if you feel the situation has been addressed. In the event you don’t feel the problem has been resolved, you will be able to click on the link provided in the email which will result in another member of the ABM team to manage the complaint.
Besides communication through email and phone, it may be required for you to attend a meeting in-person or via web conferencing (Zoom or Bongo).
You are to use the student complaint online form and not phone the reception desk.
For any questions (non-complaints), please email [email protected].
It is the student’s responsibility to obtain necessary immigration documents such as their Study Permit and/or Work Permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC). ABM College does not provide any consulting regarding immigration issues.
As an ABM College of Health and Technology graduate, your opinion is important to us.
You will be receiving a call after your graduation from FORUM RESEARCH CANADA, a research firm contracted by the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development regarding your participation in the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Graduate Satisfaction Survey.
This firm will be collecting information for the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Graduate Satisfaction Survey, to be followed by the KPI Employer Satisfaction Survey. The purpose of these provincial surveys is to measure ABM College’s effectiveness in preparing you for the workplace. The results have an impact on both the college’s level of provincial funding as well as determining future curriculum and program direction. Forum Research Canada requires your consent to contact your employer for their input to the employer survey.
Measuring Success after Graduation
How many students successfully graduate from private career colleges? Do graduates find jobs and are these jobs related to their training? How many students pay back their student loans? Since 2013, Ontario’s private career colleges – or PCCs – have worked with the ministry and its partners to gather data to answer these questions. The data is used to develop measurable values called key performance indicators – or KPIs. KPIs show how graduates have fared after graduating from PCC vocational programs. They help future students make more informed decisions about their postsecondary education and help institutions identify areas of strength and weakness and opportunities for improvement.
The KPI Process
Under the authority of the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005, the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges issued a policy directive setting out five PCC KPIs:
- (1) Graduation Rate
- (2) Graduate Employment Rate
- (3) Graduate Employment Rate in Field of Study
- (4) Graduate Satisfaction Rate
- (5) Employer Satisfaction Rate
Graduation rate is calculated from audited data submitted by PCCs three times per year. The other four KPIs are calculated from surveys taken by graduates and their employers. The ministry also calculates Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) loan default rates for PCCs approved to accept OSAP-assisted students, which are also considered a performance indicator for the sector.
Student Loan Default Rate
The OSAP Default rate is percentage of number of loan recipients in default as a percentage of the number of total loan recipients.
Small Sample and No Sample : In the event that you will see “SS” or “ND” in place of KPI rates, “SS” means “Small Sample” and is used to indicate when the sample size is less than five. These numbers are still included in the cumulative program category and institution results. “ND” means “No Data” and is used to indicate that there were no enrolled students or graduates that met the necessary criteria to be included in that calculation.