The hiring process is changing and becoming more complex. To compete today, you must have an excellent resume.
It is possible that you have applied for several jobs but have not received a response. It’s because more individuals are applying for fewer positions, and employers are evaluating candidates using ever tougher criteria.
Most resumes no longer reach hiring managers’ desks because more and more organisations utilise algorithms to screen for the suitable candidate. Let’s go into the specifics of what you can do to improve your chances of being hired.
Excellent Resume: Why formatting is Critical
Writing your resume in the proper format is the single most crucial component that can make or destroy your employment process before it begins. It can either help you get employed or keep you out of the race entirely. This is why we have prioritised this topic at the top of the list.
Different regions and countries use distinct resume formats. For example, common resume formats in Europe do not work in North America. As a result, before you begin writing your resume, consider the structure you must use.
After deciding on the usual format in your country, begin thinking about what you will write in each part. Every resume contains some elements that are common to all of them, such as your work experience, personal information, educational qualifications, and so on. However, these elements must be followed in the correct order, which is referred to as formatting in basic terms.
Applicant Tracking System is a Key
An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is software used by businesses to manage their hiring processes. Knowing how to utilise this program is critical because if you do not understand how it works, your resume will never reach the hiring manager’s desk.
Companies primarily utilise this software to streamline the hiring process. This software reads all resumes, looks for keywords, checks the candidates’ experience and qualifications, and finally rates the resumes.
To score higher in the ATS, make sure your resume includes the right keywords and explicitly mentions your work experience. It is especially significant because over 90% of businesses currently utilise ATS software. Remember that if you do not satisfy the common ATS criteria, your resume will be rejected at a particular point.
This also implies that a candidate should be more attentive when sending what is requested. If the firm requests you to provide your resume in Word, PDF, or another format, be very explicit. Do not include infographics or anything fancy because they can harm you.
What should be the length of your resume?
Typically, your resume should be one or two pages long. However, some people opt for three pages when they have significant experience to share.
According to research, the recommended length of a resume is 450 to 600 words. According to Novoresume’s survey, 60.6% of job searchers had a one-page resume, 29.7% had a two-page resume, and only 10% had a three-page resume.
Nowadays, it is vital to include your LinkedIn profile on your CV. So you may have a one-page resume and include the details in your LinkedIn profile, which has a lot more space.
People prefer a single-page resume because employers are progressively saving time during the hiring process and prefer concise, clear resumes.
Should you promote your computer skills?
There are numerous computing talents that employers look for. For example, there are some hardware and software talents that will undoubtedly impress employers.
One must assess what kind of computer abilities they have and how to describe them. It is also vital that a candidate explicitly state the extent of their computer expertise.
For example, if you want to highlight your Microsoft Word and Excel skills, describe how much you know and how you used the software in previous positions.
In the instance of Excel, you can state that you used Excel pivot tables for yearly policy documents, and that the classification procedures helped your organisation enhance its performance.
What Should You Do for a Career Change?
Since the COVID-19 outbreak, the number of people who want to change has increased dramatically. In the years following the epidemic, over half of all workers in North America are receptive to changing careers.
If you want to shift careers, you should make changes that are appropriate for your new field. Different occupations demand you to update your CV and strategy.
One of the options is to obtain more credentials and licenses. If you are not already working, you can set aside more time for this assignment. This also sends a message to employers that you prepared yourself better when not on the work.
If you are currently on the job, you can learn how LinkedIn certifications can benefit you. These credentials demonstrate how serious you are as a candidate. You can also make a decision on your newly chosen field. You can better decide whether to pursue more certifications, diplomas, or degrees in the new field.
An outstanding résumé might boost your chances of getting hired multiple times. Not only do your talents matter, but so does how you display them.
Make an excellent resume and contact us if you need any help.
Pictures by Freepik
About The Author
Content Writer
Farhan Zaheer is a Content Writer at ABM College. He holds a Master’s degree from Heidelberg University in Political Science. He also holds a Master’s degree in Mass Communication; and has been working with newspapers for over 10 years.