Trending Work-from-Home Careers

Posted on May 5, 2023 in 
News & Events

The COVID pandemic forced a shift in many societal norms, including our employment distribution. Before the pandemic, only 4% of Canadian employees worked from home. During the height of the pandemic (between 2020 and 2021), that number jumped dramatically to over 30% working remotely. While the percentage has since shifted back closer to 20%, the vast majority of workers preferred the change.

In this blog, #TeamABM will discuss the benefits of working from home and highlight some great career options to consider if remote work appeals to your lifestyle. Naturally, we’ll also spotlight the best online courses for jobs to work from home.

Benefits of Working from Home

Lady working from home from the comfort of her bed sipping morning coffee
Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

It is estimated that more than 40% of Canadian jobs can be performed remotely. So why don’t they? One of the main reasons is tradition – most companies feel more comfortable doing things the way they always have. On the flip side, statistics strongly suggest that employees are ready for change. Roughly 90% of Canadian workers feel more productive working from home, and 80% prefer doing so for at least half of their work week.

The appeal varies per individual, but greater flexibility, achieving a healthier work/life balance, and avoiding the time/cost of daily commutes are extremely compelling benefits for most workers. Despite their reluctance, employers benefit as well from smaller office spaces and happier employees.

Work-from-Home Technology Careers

The option to work from home primarily exists thanks to advancements in technology. As such, it is no surprise that most tech careers offer remote work-from-home jobs.

Web Developer:  Web Design and Development is a requirement for most modern businesses, so there is no shortage of employment opportunities. The job requires a balance of creative finesse and logical application of coding languages. They are responsible for the technical aspects of creating websites, including programming, markup, and web design.

Graphic Designer:  Graphic Designers specialize in creating visual content including logos, packaging, and promotional material. They are the artists of the digital age using imagery, typography, and layout across a variety of mediums.

Cyber Security:  With the vast majority of modern business handled electronically, the demand for Cyber Security Specialists continues to soar. It is a challenging but financially rewarding career option for the tech savvy.

UI/UX Designer:  A UI/UX (User Interface/User Experience) Designer specializes in creating digital interfaces that are user-friendly, intuitive, and aesthetically pleasing. Their work is applied to websites, mobile apps, software, and even video games. Their main objective is to create enjoyable digital experiences.

Work-from-Home Business Careers

While the majority of business careers predate computers by hundreds if not thousands of years, the advent of current technology has opened up the possibility for numerous jobs you can do from home.

Accountant & Bookkeeper:  The management and analysis of financial records have been around since the dawn of commerce. With financial documents handled digitally, the necessity to work on-site (or transport tons of physical paperwork) has been greatly reduced.

Financial Planner:  Whether assisting an individual or an organization, an increasing number of Financial Planners can and do work remotely.

Child Caregiver:  While early childhood care has become more common through daycare centers and schools, local day homes are still very popular among parents who want their children supervised in a more natural home environment.

Self-Employed Entrepreneur:  Whether full-time businesses or occasional side jobs, many small business owners often opt to work from a home office to save unnecessary expenses. 

The ABM Advantage

ABM College strongly believes in the accessibility that remote work provides. The vast majority of its popular diploma programs are available for study online. Even remote practicums are a possibility for applicable courses. If working from home is an appealing prospect, then getting started with an online diploma program is a great option.

Final Thoughts

Lady enjoying fresh air working on her laptop at a relaxing beach
Image by Christine Johnson on Pexels

More archaic employers need to realize that having happier, healthier employees will increase productivity. The concept of being shackled to a desk in a dreary office from 9 to 5, Monday to Friday – forever – is outdated and detrimental. Companies who have embraced a work-from-home strategy have noticed improved performance among staff. One study concluded that remote workers made 40% fewer mistakes than their on-site counterparts.

If you’re part of the majority who prefer working from the comfort of your home, why not investigate one of the popular career options above? Starting your work-from-home career is as simple as enrolling in a study-from-home diploma program from ABM College!

‍Contact us now to learn how we can help you.

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