Career Guide to Success: Why Study Business Administration?

Posted on July 9, 2021 in 

Business is one of the most popular programs students take in college. Business management consultants alone make an average annual income of $92,531 in Alberta, but that number can increase in other parts of the world. In countries under the European Union, business administration is considered as one of the most in-demand business majors, and based on skill and experience, highly specialized job candidates can earn up to $140,000 in the most competitive and highly sought after industries. But before you even start thinking about the big leagues, you will have to start somewhere. 

This article looks into the different facets of business administration and why it is a program worth considering:

  • What is business administration?
  • Why study business administration?
  • What jobs can you get with a business administration diploma?
  • How to prepare for a business administration job interview?
  • 10 job interview questions and answers for a business administration position

What Is Business Administration?

Business administration refers to programs in universities or colleges that teach you about the basic principles and practices of business. Business administration students learn about managing a business in all aspects, which includes some or all of the following:

  • Human Resources
  • Finance and Accounting
  • Economics
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Business Operations
  • Marketing
  • Corporate Law 
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organizational Behaviour 
  • Business Entities 
  • Management Types

Students will delve into each of these concepts in-depth to establish a strong foundation of business concepts and strategies, so that they could one day be in charge of the day-to-day operations of a company, it’s short-term and long-term projects and strategic initiatives. 

Why Study Business Administration?

There are multiple reasons why obtaining a diploma in business administration online is a good way to launch a career in business. Most companies look for candidates with at least a diploma in the field of work they are hiring for. If your program has the option to take a practicum, this would better your chances of getting a job faster after college. 

Another benefit to studying business administration is the fact that you don’t have to focus on one area of business. This is especially useful if you are unsure of what to major in or want to learn about all the facets of business equally. A diploma in business administration will open you countless opportunities in sales, marketing, management, business research and more. 

What Jobs Can You Get With A Business Administration Diploma?

Since a diploma in business administration takes on a wholesome approach to understanding the overall ins and outs of running a business, there are multiple positions that are perfect for graduates. Here are some examples of job positions for business administration graduates:

  • Sales Managers
  • Administration Managers
  • Operations Managers
  • Business Analysts
  • Supply Chain Manager
  • General Store Manager 

How To Prepare For A Business Administration Job Interview?

There are multiple ways to prepare for a job interview for a business administration, sales or managerial position in a company. Here are two primary tasks to do before going in for an interview:

  • Research: Success within a company requires you to have sufficient product and service knowledge of the industry you are about to be a part of. Do expect for your knowledge of the company and their products or services to be tested sometime during the interview process.
  • Practice job interview questions: You can never get enough practice. Familiarize yourself with all the possible interview questions you may be asked with regards to the company and the role you are applying for. This will help you be more confident by the time the in-person interview approaches. 

To review job interview questions and tips specific to marketing, review our guide to success for digital marketers

10 Job Interview Questions And Answers For A Business Administration Position

  1. Q. Tell me about yourself. 

Business may not be personal. But adding a personal touch will always give you an edge among other applicants. Employers want to know why the role is important to you, and this is your opportunity to tell them why. 

Example: “Many of my best memories are during family vacations, and it is undeniable how much of your hotel experience has an impact on your vacation experience. I’ve always looked up to the people who were able to provide my family the best service because it made all those memories so much more fonder. I only wish to do the same for others.”

  1. Q. Why did you choose to apply at our company?

There are many companies that compete within the same industry. Employers always want to know why you chose them. If you are also passionate about what they do, they’ll remember you. 

Example: “I’ve been a customer of your hotel for years, and what I do love about it is consistency. For the past five years, my experience in your hotels has been excellent, which makes your dedication to providing the best, luxury hotel experiences for your guests even more noticeable.”

  1. Q. What would you say are your strengths?

It is always a good idea to think about your answer to this question before the interview as it shows how reflective you are of yourself, actions and experiences. 

Example: “Having worked in the service industry for many years, I have learned to manage my time while working under tremendous pressure. It required some time for me to get used to the busiest times of the year. But you have to understand that how you manage yourself in the midst of pressure makes the biggest difference in how you perform, support your team members and help customers. When I understood that, I enjoyed my time working during the busiest seasons and seeing the rewards of that made the job a whole lot sweeter.”

  1. Q. What would you say are your weaknesses?

If you have strengths, you’ll have weaknesses too. A good team member and leader needs to recognize both to succeed in the job. But also note, that weaknesses is just another word for “areas of improvement.” Nobody should stay stagnant, instead show them how forward-thinking you are. 

Example: “It’s been a challenge for me to manage conflicts among coworkers. I have been fortunate to manage teammates who can still work together despite their personal differences. But despite efforts to reduce the tension, sometimes disagreements within the workplace still occur. I’ve learned to be fair and speak with management with regards to these matters when conflicts begin to affect the experiences of others in the workplace.” 

  1. Q. How do you deal with busy and stressful business periods?

The stress of peak season can take a toll on employees. It is important for employers to know how well you can handle that pressure.

Example: “They are a part of the job. Once you anticipate the busy seasons and prepare for them along with the team, you can look forward to a higher return on investment. I think preparation and communication is key. It’s also best to find a way to remove some of the stress on employees during this time. In the past, we’ve had team prep meetings, extended breaks and I did check in with employees with regards to how they are feeling with the workload. I feel like it’s important to be there for the team as much as they have been there for the company.” 

  1. Q. How do you work with a limited business budget?

Working on a limited budget is nothing new. But how you are able to optimize a limited resource is a feat for any aspiring business leader. 

Example: “By prioritizing the needs of the company. It is always important to set goals, to ensure any measures taken, which include how you utilize the budget, will do the work to fulfill the intentions of the company to succeed. This usually requires discussions and agreements with management.”

  1. Q. What challenges do you find when budgeting?

You don’t need to be in business to know that budgeting comes with its own sets of challenges. Employers want to have an idea of how you handle these challenges to set you apart from the rest of the applicants. 

Example: “We can always do more without the limitations of a budget. However, everything does come with time. It is important to use the budget for what the company needs and then build on that with future projects, which will come with their own budgets. Everything is a work in progress, and so it is okay if we dont do everything all at once rather work to achieve each goal one step at a time.”

  1. Q. Tell us about a time when you did not agree with someone at work. How did you handle the situation?

Conflicts in the workplace can be common. If you have been working in the industry for years, you’ll know that it is inevitable. Employers need to know how well you can conduct yourself even when you don’t agree with a team member who may be working closely with you.

Example: “In the past, I have not agreed with the actions of a former manager towards an employee. I still respect my manager and kindly requested to speak with her in private with regards to how I felt about the situation and why I think the employee deserved a chance. In the end, she kindly explained to me why certain courses of action need to take place. I think respect and communication are really important during times like this, in order to have productive conversations on how to move forward.”

  1. Q. How would you describe your leadership style?

Each company has their own work culture. This question may pop up if employers want to know if you will be a right fit to the culture they have already established. Be honest! You would not want to work with a company if you don’t agree with their practices. 

Example: “Working in collaborative environments is important for me. Regardless of the work, I consider the people I work with as teammates because, in the end, we all really have one goal, and that is to do our best and help the company be the best it can be to customers. I like engaging in fun activities with staff before work just to prepare them for the day ahead. I believe that how we think has the power to shape how we work. That’s why I do my best to enforce positive work culture practices to better the experiences of the team, understanding that it will benefit the customer as well.”

  1. Q. What software applications are you proficient in?

This will be different for every company. Be sure to review the job listing to see if there are any specific software applications you need to be proficient in to succeed in the role. 

Example: “I did review the job listing before I applied. I have worked with Microsoft Office for at least seven years of my career. I have worked with multiple POS systems by now, but I understand that it may take some time for me to familiarize myself with the one you are currently using, and I am more than willing to continue learning as the new system came with many significant software updates.”

There are many reasons why a college diploma is worth it, and there are so many other ways for you to succeed in the career of your dreams. Our blog delves into the different tips and tricks that help aspiring professionals become leaders in their field. 

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