Begin Your Journey Towards an Exciting New Career!

Posted on February 24, 2023 in 
News & Events

Long hours. Overworked. Underpaid. It’s a tale of woe all too common among today’s workforce. For many Canadians, the cost of living has reached the point where any semblance of a work/life balance needs to be sacrificed just to pay the bills. Poll after poll has revealed job satisfaction continues to drop across Canada following the COVID pandemic.

A workplace study poll conducted in 2022 for example showed almost three-quarters of Canadians regarded work primarily as a means to make money. Only one-third considered their job a fulfilling one. Priorities have shifted. Fewer people are willing to put up with their current situations and plan to look for new jobs in 2023.

Work consumes such a large portion of our lives that being trapped in a dead-end career is an unpleasant prospect. The main problem for many is that changing course later in life can be incredibly daunting. It’s enough to discourage most people from pursuing better options. For those brave enough to take the plunge toward a brighter future, there are options.

Where to Start…

Confused Adam Devine GIF By Apartment Guide
Image by Apartment Guide on Giphy

There is comfort in the familiar, but bouncing between similar jobs and hoping for different results almost always ends in disappointment. With so much competition in the job market, having the right education is a necessity. A wise man once said, “The journey of a thousand work weeks begins with a single-year diploma program.” Or something along those lines.

It doesn’t matter where you started out, what your current employment situation is, or even how old you are. The greatest keys to success are passion and dedication. Are you fascinated with the fast-paced world of technology? Are you cunning and analytical with shrewd business savviness? At the end of the day do you want the satisfaction of knowing you helped improve someone’s physical or mental health?

Paycheck aside, only you can answer the most important career-related question – “what does job satisfaction mean to me?”

Caring Admissions Advisors

ABM Admissions Team discussing new courses
Image by ABM College

The Admissions Team at ABM College is available to help you enroll in the program of your choice, but that’s only one small part of it. By getting to know you and your needs, your personal advisor can help you select the program that best fits your future aspirations.

Your advisor will be with you through every step of the enrollment process from your first question to your first day of classes, and beyond. For everything you need to know to get started with any ABM program, you can contact an Admissions Advisor at any time!

Reasonable Program Requirements

A common worry for many potential students is that their personal education history might not meet the qualifications for enrollment. For some, the concern is whether their previously completed education level is sufficient. For others, it comes down to whether an education completed outside Canada is recognized here. While the requirements for specific programs can vary, in many cases a generalized admissions test can be administered to determine eligibility. Mature admissions are increasingly commonplace as well. As a recent 70-year-old graduate could tell you, it’s never too late for learning! As always, your Admissions Advisor can tell you more.

Flexible Program Accessibility

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Time is short – that’s a fairly universal constant. Work, family, relationships, and other obligations likely limit your scheduling options. Things get even more complicated for those living outside of major metropolitan areas. ABM College understands these constraints and wants quality education to be accessible to everyone. All of ABM’s courses are specifically designed with flexibility in mind. Most programs are available online with class times to fit diverse needs – morning, evening, and weekend. The classes are conducted online and offer the opportunity for interaction with the instructors. Recordings are uploaded afterwards for review or catch-up on previous material. Last, but not least, local practicum placement will ensure you can earn practical experience locally.

Comprehensive Student Services

Student Services will be there to aid you throughout the entirety of your program – even before classes start. They’ll assist you to get organized, access the D2L system, answer any questions, and generally making your transition a smooth and stress free one. Throughout the program and even after you are a graduate, the services team will be there to help.

Frequently Asked Questions

Curious Puppy Dogs with questions about ABM's admissions process Animated GIF
Image by Buzzfeed on Giphy

What is the difference between Career College and University?

  • A career college is a post-secondary institution that offers the specialized education required to enter a specific field of work. This is different from university degrees, which offer a broad base of knowledge and require students to commit to a full four years of education before entering the workforce. Career college education provides a more specialized, career-focused training program that can be completed in a matter of months — typically less than one year. ABM offers a wide array of diploma programs, so find the one that is the perfect fit for your future.

Are ABM College programs fully online or do I have to physically attend the classes?

  • While most of our programs can be completed exclusively online, others require students to attend our campus for labs and demonstrations due to the nature of the course content. These include several of our healthcare programs. Contact an admissions advisor for more information on the program(s) you are interested in.

Final Thoughts

All change is hard. People are naturally ingrained with an urge to stick to the familiar, even when their current situation is causing them dissatisfaction or misery. The scariest part is often taking that first step in a new direction, especially when doing it alone.

The best way to deal with any uncertainty is to know your options. If you’re debating a new career direction, an Admissions Advisor is always ready to answer your questions.

‍Contact us now to learn how we can help you.

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